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Out of the Darkness: a Hope Valley novel Page 3

  The man rolled his eyes and grunted, “Don’t have time for this stupid shit,” before disregarding me completely.

  My mouth fell open in affront as he turned back to Molly like I wasn’t even there. “What a dick,” I grumbled under my breath while trying to force lasers to shoot from my eyes. Anger made my blood begin to simmer, and I crossed my arms over my chest while tapping the toe of my cute sandal in frustration as the guy completed his order and moved to the side.

  I finally made it to the register, receiving an apologetic look from Molly as I let out a sigh to release the last of my frustration. “Sorry about that,” she said quietly.

  “Don’t worry about it. Some people are just jerks.”

  “True enough. So what can I get you?”

  “I’m ordering for two,” I answered. “Dani said you’d know what to make for Roxanne, the redhead who works at Alpha Omega Investigations. Today’s my first day, and I want to make a good impression.”

  “Ah. Gotcha.” She grinned widely. “For Rox I’d go with a double shot cappuccino and a cinnamon swirl muffin.”

  “Awesome. Gimme both, and I’ll have a pumpkin spice latte and a cranberry and orange scone.”

  The young woman’s face fell into a sympathetic frown. “Sorry, Sage. We’re all out of the scones. Unless you want to wait for the next batch to come out of the oven, but that might take a while.”

  My eyes got big and my back went straight. “What?”

  “I just sold the last scone to the guy in front of you.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I seethed as my head whipped around in search of the asshole who’d not only cut in front of me, but he was currently heading out the door of Muffin Top with my scone in his grubby hands.

  I spun on my heels and started after him, moving at a fast clip as I hit the sidewalk. “Yo, Sasquatch,” I shouted angrily, ignoring the wide, curious eyes of the people passing by. “You stole my scone!”

  He didn’t bother slowing or looking back at me, so I had to jog in order to cut him off.

  “Jesus Christ,” he snapped when I stepped in his path, forcing him to stop or risk plowing over me. “What’s your deal, lady?”

  “My deal is you just stole my scone,” I semi-repeated, my chest rising and falling on quick breaths from the small amount of cardio I was just forced to endure because of him. The bastard.

  He looked at me like I was a mental patient who’d just escaped the asylum, still wearing a straitjacket. “Are you serious?”

  “Hell yeah, I’m serious.” I slammed my hands on my hips and threw out my left leg, taking on the unmistakable pissed-off-woman pose for added effect. There was a strong possibility I was blowing the situation out of proportion, but he was rude . . . and I took my breakfast pastries very seriously. “I get that scone every single morning, and you just stole the last damn one.”

  “How the hell did I steal somethin’ I just paid for?”

  “You wouldn’t have that scone right now if you weren’t a line cutter, you big jerk.”

  His eyes rounded in shock. “What is this, fifth grade? Did you really just call me a big jerk and accuse me of being a line cutter?”

  “Yeah, I did. Because that’s what you are. Any guy with manners knows he’s supposed to let the woman go first. I was practically at the register when you shoved your way past me.”

  The guy’s face went perfectly blank as he did a full-body scan from the top of my head all the way to the tips of my toes. Any time I got a look like that from a man I expected one of two reactions. Either he’d regard my get-up with disdain, thinking he was better than me, or his eyes shined with lust as he ogled my legs, tits, hair, or any combination of the three. But this man’s lack of reaction totally threw me off. “Maybe if you weren’t wearing those stupid ass shoes you’d have been able to move faster, and I wouldn’t have made it to the counter before you.”

  Oh no he didn’t. I pulled in such a huge gasp it was a wonder there was any oxygen left between the two of us. “My shoes are not stupid!” I yelled, curling my hands into fists to keep myself from lunging and clawing this asshole’s face off. “They’re freaking awesome. Not that I’d expect a guy who looks like Grizzly Adams’s long lost demented cousin to know the first thing about fashion.”

  For a brief moment I could have sworn I saw a look of surprise flash across his face, but it was there and gone before I could be certain.

  Unfolding the paper bag, he reached inside and pulled out the scone. I wasn’t sure what he was planning on doing with it until he brought it to those sexy lips and bit the thing clean in half. “Mmm,” he moaned with pleasure as he chewed and swallowed my pastry while I stared on in open-mouthed astonishment. “Damn, Shortcake, no wonder you like these things so much. They’re delicious.”

  “You—you—you,” I sputtered indignantly before crying, “I can’t believe you just did that!”

  “Consider this a life lesson, little girl. Expecting to be handed whatever you want just ’cause you got tits and ass will only lead to disappointment. Not all men are nice. Maybe next time you want something, you shouldn’t fuck around.”

  With that, he turned and started back down the sidewalk, leaving me by myself to deal with the aftermath of my head exploding all over the place.

  Chapter Three


  I was still so heated from my run-in with the guy from the coffee shop that I shoved through the doors of Alpha Omega without taking a single thing in, stomping across the floor like I was trying to break the tiles with my amazing heels.

  Roxanne’s voice pulled me from my angry fog and back to the present. “Rough morning?”

  I whipped around to face the saucy redheaded woman. “What’s the company policy on cussing?”

  She looked taken aback for just a few seconds before grinning widely. “Honey, you’ll be workin’ around a bunch of former military men . . . and me. Policy on cussin’ is no one really gives a shit.”

  I blew out a breath, trying to center myself before declaring, “Good. Because I just ran into the biggest dickbag in the whole world, and I’m pissed right the hell off! So yeah, it’s safe to say I had a rough morning. The son of a bitch would’ve ruined it completely if not for Muffin Top’s stellar coffee.” I looked to the tray of drinks in my hand, some of my ire melting. “Speaking of which, I got you something too.”

  A look of excitement flitted across her face before she reached up and gave me the international sign for grabby hands. “Then bring that loot over here, darlin’ and tell Rox all about what’s troublin’ you.”

  I placed the tray on the ledge of her desk and pulled her coffee cup free, passing it and the pastry bag her way. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, but Molly gave me some suggestions. Hope you like it.”

  She took a sip and closed her eyes in appreciation, “Sage, girl, you just became my new favorite person.”

  “Glad to hear it, seeing as I think I’ve already made my first enemy.”

  “Already?” she asked with a surprised laugh. “That has to be some sort of record. Haven’t you only been here a couple of days?”

  “Technically, a week. But this one wasn’t my fault. It was the bastard at Muffin Top. He cut in front of me, took the last cranberry scone, then insulted my shoes.”

  Roxanne’s mouth fell open as she lifted up and peered over her desk to get a better look at my feet. “Honey, those shoes are the shit.”

  “Thank you,” I cried, throwing my hands wide, feeling justified that someone else understood the fabulousness of my shoes.

  “You get those at Glitter and Gold over on Sycamore?”

  “Yep. That place is ah-mazing. It’s like biker-babe heaven. I’ve already dedicated most of my first paycheck to that place.”

  “You and me both. Pretty sure I’m responsible for keeping that place afloat when the economy tanked several years back.”

  “Then you’ve got my appreciation, sister. Anyway,” I said on a sigh, leaning my forearms on
the ledge of her desk, “the worst part of the whole exchange was that he was, hands down, the hottest guy I’ve seen in I don’t know how long. I’m talking gorgeous. It should be a crime for a guy that fine to be such a prick. I’m telling you, Rox, it was a total waste of man flesh.”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “Honey, this is Hope Valley. You can’t spit in this town without hittin’ a fine specimen. Hand to God, I think there’s somethin’ in the water here. Don’t you worry. You’ll find another good-lookin’ man, and most of ’em know how to treat a woman.”

  I didn’t bother telling her I wasn’t in the market for a relationship after my last epic disaster. That would’ve led to her asking questions I wasn’t in the mood to answer.

  Instead, for the first time since storming into the office, I took the time to study my surroundings.

  To say Alpha Omega wasn’t what I’d been expecting was putting it mildly. When I’d thought of what a private investigator and his office would look like, I’d imagined it as some dank, dingy hole-in-the-wall place with a pot-bellied boss who had a receding hairline and armpit stains on all his short-sleeved button-downs.

  What I’d walked into when I pushed through the doors for the first time was the polar opposite of what I’d been picturing. The reception area was all smooth, sleek tile and clean glass. Huge black leather couches sat close to the big picture windows that looked out onto the street with a modern glass coffee table between them that held an extensive catalogue of magazines for people to flip through. There was even a mini-coffee station set up beside the sitting area for guests with a badass coffee maker, the likes of which made my heart flutter. I’d checked out one just like it for myself, thinking those little pods were a fool-proof way of making my own coffee at home, but there was no way in hell I'd been able to afford it. If that was the machine they put in the lobby, I couldn’t wait to see what they had stashed in the breakroom for employees.

  My perusal was cut off when the door next to the kick-ass coffee station opened, and a huge dog came barreling out, it’s claws clacking loudly on the tile floor as it loped toward Roxanne’s desk.

  “Oh my god,” I squealed, lowering down into a crouch and holding my arms out wide. “Come here, you sweet little fur baby.”

  The German shepherd padded to me with its tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth, and as soon as he was within reach, I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big squeeze. “Aren’t you just the cutest thing on four legs?” I baby talked, rubbing him all over until his tail was swinging so wildly his back end moved with it. “Yes, you are. Yes, you are.”

  I was granted a slobbery kiss along the side of my face that made me giggle just as a feminine voice said, “That’s amazing. Rocky’s usually really shy around strangers.” My head tipped back to look up at the woman who had just spoken while trying to keep the dog—now known as Rocky—from licking my face off. Her grin was so big it took up most of her face as she stared down at me with big, light brown doe eyes. “You must have a gift.”

  I stood to my full height, brushing dog hair from my clothes as I returned her smile. The woman was about as tall as I was—when I wasn’t in gorgeous four-inch heels—and was only slightly less curvy. She had one of the best heads of thick, shiny, golden brown hair I’d ever seen, and I would have instantly hated her on the spot if I didn’t love my own darker locks.

  While the woman was enviably beautiful, her expression was open and friendly in a way I knew, without having spoken a single word to her, that this was a chick I’d like. “No gift,” I replied as Rocky ran circles around us. “I just grew up around big dogs so I know they tend to feed off a human’s energy. If we don’t act scared, they’re usually super friendly.” I held out my hand and introduced myself. “I’m Sage.”

  “Eden,” she returned, giving my hand a shake. “So you’re the newest member to the Alpha Omega family, huh?”

  “Guess so. Do you work here too?”

  “Oh, no. I’m a freelance book editor.”

  “Wow, that sounds so cool.”

  “It can be. I also make my own skincare products like moisturizers, face masks, and stuff like that using all-natural ingredients.”

  “Really?” I asked excitedly. I loved me a good skincare regimen and was running dangerously low on my supply. “Do you sell your stuff?”

  “Nah. I basically just give the stuff to my friends for free, but I’d be happy to bring some samples by for you. If you like them I can make you more.”

  This chick was incredibly nice. Just like Dani and Roxanne, she surprised me by how genuinely sweet she was. It was just more proof that I’d picked the right town to call home. Even with my run-in with that jackass giant earlier. “Seriously? That’d be awesome. Thanks so much.”

  “Not a problem. If you’re working here, you’re gonna need all the stress relief you can get. I make a great relaxing mask with honey and cucumber. It’ll do the trick.”

  I glanced from Eden to Roxanne to see them looking at each other like they were both part of an inside joke. Confusion pulled my brows into a deep V. “Why do I get a feeling I’m missing something here?”

  “Not missin’ anything,” a deep, masculine voice answered. “My woman just likes to come in occasionally and stir shit up.”

  My gaze darted over to one of sexiest men I’d ever laid eyes on in my whole life. He looked like he belonged at the helm of a Viking ship, getting his men ready to pillage some distant land, not in Small Town, USA. This was the kind of guy who belonged on the cover of one of the romance novels my mom used to read, ripping the corset off the buxom woman on the cover with his bare hands. Fabio didn’t have shit on the dude standing in front of me.

  I liked my guys with a bit more of an edge, but a man like this wasn’t anything to sneeze at. The truth was, if the guy from this morning hadn’t been such a colossal hemorrhoid, he totally would have been my type.

  “I don’t stir shit up,” Eden exclaimed in affront while elbowing the big man standing beside her. It was then I noticed the massive rock resting on her delicate ring finger and the band beneath lined with smaller, yet no less stunning, diamonds.

  “Lincoln Sheppard,” the Viking said by way of greeting. “But everyone just calls me Linc.”

  “Sweet mother of baby Jesus in a manger,” I replied, looking to Eden and taking in the way he’d slung his arm over her shoulders, holding her close against his side like he would have been all too happy to absorb her into his skin. “He’s yours?” Her smile shined with pride as she gave me a small nod. “According to the state of Virginia.”

  “Well done, sister.”

  She emitted a small giggle. “If you think he’s good, just wait until you see the rest of the guys.”

  I felt my eyes bug out in shock. “There are more like this?”

  Eden’s head twisted around to where Roxanne was sitting. “You didn’t warn her in advance?”

  I spun to Roxanne just as she gave Eden a shrug. “Told her there was somethin’ in the water here, but figure the true test would be to throw her right into the fire, see if she could handle the heat. Too many women have passed through these doors ’cause they couldn’t focus on their work with these men wanderin’ around. Needed to see if our girl here was up to snuff.”

  “Oh, I’m up to snuff,” I declared, squaring my shoulders and schooling my expression to show Roxanne just how serious I was. “You have my word, no ogling during working hours. Only on breaks and lunch.”

  “I appreciate the confidence,” she said with a laugh. “But you haven’t met the guys yet. They might be pretty to look at, but I’ll give it a week before the drama they drag in with them makes you wanna commit murder.”

  Before I could respond, the glass doors pushed open and another criminally handsome man came waltzing through. Tall, built, with jet black hair and the palest jade green eyes. He and Lincoln were total opposites, with the exception of their size and build, but it was a toss-up who was better looking. His skin wa
s the color of milk and honey, and from his features I couldn’t quite tell what his nationality was, but whatever made this man was a brilliant combination.

  “Fuck me,” he grunted as soon as he hit reception, his eyes pointed out to the street. You guys see that Mustang out there? I think I’m in love.”

  I looked to the windows where my car was parked among a few other sedans and SUVs before turning back to the newcomer. “My baby has that effect on people.”

  The sexy man pinned his gaze on me for the first time since walking in, and the effect of having his full attention made me sway a little. Three men in one morning, each of them potent as hell, was wreaking havoc on my poor little brain.

  His lips tilted up in an alluring grin as he gave me a look up and down that was much more pleasant than that of the dickhead from the coffee shop. His rich voice lowered a couple octaves as he came closer and extended his hand. “And who might you be, gorgeous?”

  My cheeks started to grow warm as I took his hand, but instead of giving it a shake, he brought it to his lips and pressed a kiss to my knuckles. Holy spontaneous orgasms, Batman! “Uh . . . I-I’m Sage.” It took everything I had not to burst into giggles while ducking my head bashfully.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Sage. I’m Bryce,” he replied, still speaking in that husky timbre before looking back to Linc. “Beautiful and she drives that ’Stang? If this is a case, it’s mine.”

  “Hands off, horn dog,” Roxanne scolded, coming around the desk and smacking Bryce in the back of the head. “She’s not a case, she’s the new administrative assistant. So how about you take your hands off so she doesn’t file a sexual harassment suit within the first ten minutes of her first day?”

  Bryce’s gaze swung to me once more before he threw his head back in laughter, still clutching my hand. “This is the new assistant?” he asked through deep chuckles once his humor tapered off. “Oh, this is great. Xander’s gonna lose his mind. He meet her yet?”