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Out of the Darkness: a Hope Valley novel Page 7

  The elevator dinged before the doors opened to the ornate marble lobby. I offered the couple waiting on the other side a polite smile as I stepped off, catching the husband’s appreciative glance from the corner of my eye as I passed.

  Ducking my head to hide my face behind the curtain of my hair, I lowered my voice to a whisper and said one last thing to the asshole in my ear. “Oh, and Xander? I’d be careful leaving any food or drinks around the office from here on out.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?”

  “’Cause I have every intention of poisoning you.”

  And with that, I tuned him out and got down to the task at hand.

  Chapter Eight


  Jesus Christ, she was a goddamn vision in that dress.

  The moment she stepped out of the bathroom all the blood in my body rushed to one centralized location, and I had to grip the chair to keep from pouncing on her. But it wasn’t just the dress that was beating at the barrier I had put between us.

  When she spoke of cutting people from her life who weren’t good for her, I felt a pang of respect. Those words resonated with me in a way she couldn’t possibly understand. And what was more, a sadness lurking in those dark eyes had pulled at me. She was speaking from experience, leading me to believe we had so much more in common than I could have imagined. The only difference was that she was clearly much stronger than I was, because she hadn’t let her past beat her down.

  The woman gave even better than she got, and I found myself actually trying to push her buttons just to get a rise out of her. She was stunning when her attitude came out to play.

  When she’d threatened to poison me I almost burst into laughter, something that had happened less than a handful of times in the past several years. But when it came to my interactions with Sage, I found myself wanting to laugh constantly. She had a gift for making me forget the shadows that dogged my every step. When she was around, I could almost imagine what it would be like to live in a world that wasn’t full of darkness.

  But no matter how badly I craved her, she wasn’t for me. The reality was, I had nothing to give. I was toxic. She clearly pulled herself out of whatever bad situation she’d found herself in before coming to Hope Valley, but if I tied myself to her I’d destroy it all.

  “Think you finally met your match, brother,” Hunter said, coming up and clapping me on the shoulder before taking the chair beside me to watch the laptop screens. “Never seen anyone go head to head with you like she does.”

  Because the only people who ever did are all gone now. Even before I turned into the man I was today, I was intimidating to most everyone I met. The only guys who weren’t cowed by my size and attitude were my brothers from my team. But those memories hurt too much to remember, so I did my best not to.

  “Okay, our girl’s up,” Hunter said, pulling me from my black thoughts.

  I kicked back in my chair and watched the computers as Sage sauntered into the bar. She did a casual scan of the place before starting in the direction of the target.

  “Hold up,” I ordered into the mic. “You can’t just approach the guy. He’ll know something’s up.”

  “Shut up and let me do this, she hissed back, barely moving her lips. She kept going, her head pointed forward like she didn’t even notice the guy, but at the very last second, executed a fake trip and fall that sent her colliding with the mark.

  “Oh my god. I’m so sorry,” we heard her say through the earpiece. She gave the prick an award-winning smile that made my chest feel tight. “I’m such a klutz sometimes.”

  “It’s quite all right.” Through Sage’s body cam, I saw the guy point his gaze at her tits before a greasy smile spread across his face. “A beautiful woman such as yourself could crash into me any time.” It took everything I had not to storm down to the bar and put my fist through the asshole’s face for ogling her the way he was.

  My head whipped over to another screen just in time to see her duck her head in false bashfulness and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, again, I’m sorry. I’ll let you get back to your evening.”

  She managed one step back before the guy’s hand shot out and grabbed hold of her elbow. “Please, join me. I’d love to buy you a drink.”

  Hunter let out a whistle. “Damn, our girl’s good. Hooked the target in less than two minutes. That’s gotta be some kind of record.”

  I could hear the admiration in his voice, but I was too busy stewing over the prick’s hand on her to appreciate how good a job she was doing.

  “I’d love that, thank you.” With another dazzling smile and a flip of her hair, Sage climbed onto the stool next to him, crossing her legs enough to draw attention to their smooth, curvy length before turning them in his direction. The move was pure seduction without trying too hard, and I felt my dick begin to come to life. “I’m Angela, by the way.”

  “Steve,” he replied, using a fake name—the douche. We knew from his gold-digger of a wife that the guy’s name was Paul. “It’s lovely to meet you.” Without asking what she’d like to drink, Steve waved over the bartender, ordered a glass of red wine, and turned back to Sage once her drink had been placed in front of her. “So, Angela. What brings you here all by yourself tonight?”

  “I was actually supposed to be meeting someone. But it would appear I’ve been stood up.”

  “Well, his loss is my gain, I can assure you.”

  Reaching over, she placed her hand on his bicep and leaned in closer, lowering her voice. “That’s very sweet of you to say, Steve. You know, I was feeling a little down just a minute ago, but I’m beginning to think this may be my lucky night after all.”

  I listened to the nauseating back and forth for the next half hour, the whole time feeling like someone had shoved their fist inside my chest and was squeezing my lungs. Every time he brushed his knuckles against her or reached down to caress her leg, I thought I was going to be sick.

  I wasn’t sure how much longer I could watch the sleaze paw at Sage, and I could only imagine she felt the same.

  “All right, enough of this shit,” I spoke into the mic. “Move it along before I die of old age already.”

  Extending an arm back like she was stretching, she gave one of the cameras the middle finger for only Hunter and me to see, and damn if I didn’t feel my lips twitching with the desire to smile.

  “Well, Steve, it was lovely meeting you. Thank you so much for making what could have been a miserable evening so much better.”

  She went in for the kill by moving off the stool like she was about to leave, giving him no other choice but to act if he wanted a piece of her.

  And he took the bait instantly.

  “Wait, Angela . . .”

  She paused and looked up at him with curious eyes. “Yes?”

  The guy tugged at his collar as though he was nervous. “I never do this, really. It’s so unlike me—”

  “Lyin’ sack of shit,” I hissed before I could stop myself.

  “But . . . well . . . I’m only in town on business for a short while.” Another lie, considering the bastard lived in the city. “And I feel we have a real connection.”

  “I feel the same,” Sage breathed, placing her hand on his. “I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

  Hunter let out a snort of hilarity.

  “I have a room here, and I’m not ready for this night to end. I can think of nothing I’d love more than for you to stay with me tonight.”

  “Of course he fuckin’ couldn’t,” Hunter sneered. “A pig like him’d be lucky to land a piece like Sage.”

  I squeezed my fists so tight my nails began to cut into my palm as Sage and that guy moved out of the bar and toward the elevator.

  We lost sight of everything but the view from the body cam, but it was enough to see the dude looked to be on cloud nine at the thought of fucking a woman like Sage.

  “I’m a little nervous,” she said in a whisper that sounded almost shy as he led her off t
he elevator and to his room on the floor just above ours. I’d hacked into the database to find out where he was staying, and we booked one floor down in case something went wrong and we needed to get up there fast. At that moment it was taking everything I had not to bolt up those stairs and put a stop to this whole fucked-up game. “I mean, I’ve only just met you,” Sage continued. “I don’t know anything about you. For all I know, you could be married.” She let out a laugh like the thought of that was ridiculous, but in reality it was the perfect opener we needed.

  He unlocked the door to his room and guided her inside. Once the door closed behind them he turned to her and placed his hands on her waist. “I’m going to be honest with you, darling. I was married. She was the love of my life. Unfortunately, she . . .” He paused and squeezed his eyes closed, pulling in a deep breath. “She wasn’t long for this world.”

  “Oh, Steve. You poor thing,” Sage said sadly, playing along with his bullshit perfectly. “I’m so sorry.”

  “The truth is, I’ve been mourning her for so long, I didn’t think there was another woman out there for me. Then I met you tonight.”

  “Fuck me.” Hunter grimaced. “Is this fuckin’ guy for real?”

  “Unfortunately,” I replied.

  I pulled in a breath and held it as he leaned in like he was about to kiss her. “Wait!” Sage said so loud Hunter and I both jumped. “I just . . .”

  Hunter leaned forward and watched the monitors closely. “Ah, Christ. She’s about to lose it.”

  “I need to freshen up a bit,” she said with a quick save. “Just give me a moment?”

  “Of course, my dear.”

  With that, Sage booked it into the bathroom, flipped on the lights, and locked the door. “Oh god,” she whispered, bracing her hands on the sink so we could see her clearly through the mirror. “Oh god, oh god. Can you guys hear me?”

  “We’re here, darlin’,” Hunter answered in a soothing tone I’d never have been able to pull off.

  “Jeez, this guy’s such a pig,” she whisper-yelled. “It’s one thing to lie about your name and that you don’t regularly pick up chicks in bars, but to actually claim your wife is dead? Who does that?”

  “A piece of shit who deserves to have half his fortune taken from him,” I replied dryly.

  She reached up and dragged her fingers through her hair. “Shit, he was about to kiss me and I freaked.” Her eyes looked panicked and her skin had gone a few shades whiter. “Just the thought of that guy’s mouth on mine . . .” She twisted up her face and made a ridiculous gagging sound. As much as I agreed with her, I couldn’t help but think about how cute she looked right then, and I found myself doing something totally out of the ordinary.

  Leaning close to the mic, I spoke as gently as I possibly could. “It’s all right, Shortcake. You don’t have to do this. Go out there and give him an excuse. I’m sure we got enough to make the wife happy.”

  Bracing her hands on the basin, she dropped her head and pulled in three long, calming breaths. When she looked back up, there was a resilience in her gaze that warmed my stomach. Christ, she was tough. “No. I can do this. It’s not like I’ll actually have to sleep with him. And I have a whole bottle of mouthwash at home.”

  “You sure, honey?” Hunter asked. “’You want out, just say the word.”

  She gave herself a nod and squared her shoulders. “I’m sure. Let’s just get this over with. The sooner it’s done, the sooner I can get home and scrub myself down with bleach and a steel wool brush.”

  The second chuckle of the evening worked its way up my throat and forced itself out, all because of her.

  With renewed confidence, she opened the door and stepped out into the room, jerking to a halt at the sight of our target standing there, butt-ass naked.

  “Oh!” Sage, Hunter, and I all yelled at the same time. Sage’s was in disgust that she managed to mask as shock. Mine and Hunter’s was just in disgust. I could have gone the rest of my life without ever having to see Paul Kline’s pale, wrinkly balls and skinny chicken legs.

  “Come here, my darling. I’ve been craving you since you first stepped into the bar.” He moved much quicker than a man that out of shape should, giving Hunter and me an unpleasant closeup of what all he was lacking.

  He looked to be reaching for Sage’s face as he went in for another kiss. “Oh . . . Steve, hold on.” Sage tried to disengage from his hold. “This is all moving so fast. Can we just . . . do you think we could slow down?”

  From the way the camera moved, it appeared she was doing her best to dodge his grubby fingers. “Don’t be ridiculous, Angela. You know we both want this.”

  Sage backed up again. “You’re right. But maybe we could talk a little more? Get to know each other better?”

  He moved back in. “You know, you should consider yourself lucky. I’m a very rich man. Most women would be throwing themselves at me simply for a chance at a payday.”

  “Well, I’m not most women—hey, wait! No, don’t—”

  His face came back into view when he took two big steps back. Unfortunately, he was also holding Sage’s earpiece in his hand. “What the hell is this? Is someone listening in on us?”

  “Fuck,” I barked, shooting from my chair at the same time Hunter did. “Go, go, go!”

  Looked like things were going to go south after all. Good damn thing our room was so close to the stairwell.

  Chapter Nine


  The jig was up.

  Fortunately, that meant I didn’t have to kiss the disgusting excuse for a man, and with Hunter and Xander just downstairs, I wasn’t worried about being busted. So I shook off the persona I’d worn all night and gave this jackass the real Sage.

  “Yeah, they are, dickless,” I sneered while pointing to the tiny cam pinned to my dress. “They’re watching too, so smile for the camera.”

  “You stupid cunt! You’ll pay for this,” he shouted, his face going so red it looked nearly purple.

  I heard the thundering of footsteps running down the hall and knew my guys were close, but Steve managed to catch me by surprise and backhanded me before I had a chance to dodge the blow.

  The hit was hard enough to make me stagger and send fire shooting through my cheekbone. It was also enough to piss me the fuck off.

  He moved like he was going in for a second smack, but this time I was prepared. Before he had a chance to raise his arm, mine was already cocked, and as soon as he was close enough, I let it fly, landing a satisfying jab right to his face. Blood instantly began pouring from his broken nose, distracting him long enough for me to get my next blow in, which was a perfectly placed kick to his balls with the pointy toe of my awesome sandals.

  He went down with a bellow just as the door to the room came crashing open and two huge, burly men came running through.

  “Don’t worry,” I started, holding up my hands. “I’ve got everything under control.”

  Xander shocked the hell out of me by rushing right to me and taking my face in his hands, bending low to meet my gaze head-on. “Fuckin’ hell. Are you okay?”

  Sparks ignited beneath my skin that had nothing to do with the slap I’d just received and everything to do with this fine hunk of man currently touching me. “Uh . . . yeah. I-I’m fine.”

  A low, agonized groan sounded through the room, drawing the guys’ attention to Not-Steve’s writhing body before turning shocked eyes to me.

  “What the hell happened?” Hunter clipped.

  I gave them a shrug, ignoring the burning in my cheek. “He hit me, so I hit back. And I hit a lot harder.”

  The atmosphere in the room suddenly shifted, the air growing icy cold, and when I looked to Xander I saw the shift in temperature was coming from him. “That fucker hit you?” he growled, his expression murderous.

  “It’s fine, really,” I said, trying to calm the brewing storm. “He hits like a bitch anyway.”

  That did absolutely nothing to calm his rage. “That fucker hit

  He moved like a flash, jerking Not-Steve up from the floor by his neck. “You like hittin’ women, motherfucker?” he hissed in the guy’s bloody face. “Think that makes you a man?”

  I rushed to Xander’s side, grabbing hold of his massive bicep with both hands. “Xander, really. I’m okay.”

  “Stand down, brother,” Hunter spoke, much less frantic than I was. “Guy’s already bleedin’ all over the expensive ass carpet. No point in addin’ to it.”

  Xander didn’t let go. Instead, he leaned even closer. So close, Not-Steve’s eyes bugged out in fear. “You don’t ever take your hands to a woman, asshole. Especially not to that woman. You understand me?”

  The guy nodded manically. “Y-yes, I u-understand.”

  “Now you apologize for bein’ a piece of shit, or I’m gonna rip your goddamn spine out.”

  He sputtered and clawed at Xander’s tightening hand, but managed to push out, “I-I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry! I’m a piece of shit!” Then he promptly burst into tears.

  I looked from the pathetic man to Hunter and asked, “You got everything you need?”

  “Oh yeah, sweetheart,” he said with a big grin. “And then some. This dude’s fucked.”

  Moving in closer to Xander, I pressed against his side and gave his arm a squeeze as I lowered my voice to what I hoped was a calming whisper. “Hey, let’s go, yeah? This guy’s not worth it. And I promise, I’m all right.”

  He jutted his head in my direction, and for the first time, the mask he kept in place so well wasn’t there to hide the pain in his eyes. It ran deep and was so strong it made me suck in a breath. I didn’t know what this big, beautiful man had been through, but whatever it was, it had been pure torture, because he was still living with its demons.

  “I want to go home,” I continued, fighting past the lump in my throat. “Please, can we go home now?”

  My plea managed to break through whatever darkness was clouding his mind, and he gave me a small nod, tossing Not-Steve across the room like a ragdoll. Then he shocked me again by taking my hand, grabbing the gorgeous gold clutch I got at Glitter and Gold to go with my dress, and starting out of the hotel room. With one glance over his shoulder to Hunter, he said, “I’m drivin’ Sage home.”